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Harassment of Students Prohibited Grades: K-4

It is the policy of the Winnetka Public Schools to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation and/or bullying and from discrimination on account of actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, religion, gender identity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other such protected classes as determined by Illinois state law.

Students who engage in prohibited behavior are subject to appropriate intervention and disciplinary action consistent with the Student Behavior Policy 7:190.

This policy is in effect on school grounds, school buses and at all school sponsored activities, programs and events.

There two types of harassment that could happen in school:

  1. Unwanted Words - Examples include:  teasing, making fun of someone, calling someone names, excluding someone from playing, writing mean notes about someone, drawing mean pictures of someone.  
  2. Unwanted Touch  - Examples: hitting, kicking, pushing, grabbing, shoving, pinching, biting, pulling hair or clothes, unwanted hugs or kisses.


Students are encouraged to report claims or incidences of harassment to any staff member with whom the student is comfortable speaking. Reports can be made in person, on paper (District Communication Form) or electronically (District Communication Form on website).

 Complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible given the need to investigate the complaint. Students who make good faith complaints will not be disciplined.